Investigation Units

Social Sciences

Research Center on Human Movement Sciences (CIMOHU, for its acronym in Spanish)

It looks for planning, developing, executing and disseminating research projects that aid solving relevant problems regarding three areas of Science and Human Movement: pedagogy of the movement, sports output and exercise, and well-being and health.

The CIMOHU looks for developing knowledge about the human movement and recreation at the national context in order to offer policies and guidelines defined for this specific field. Also, it is interested in revealing the effect of the physical exercise, sports, and human movement in educative processes, in the motor development and the affective aspects of people’s life.

Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Movimiento Humano (CIMOHU)


  • To generate scientific knowledge for the national and international community by means of the integration of areas related to human movement sciences. CIMOHU promotes the interchange of knowledge with national and international institutions, the respect and integration of the formation areas of different professionals as well as their personal and cultural backgrounds.

Main functions

  • To plan, manage, execute and disseminate research projects that aid to solve relevant problems related to the three main areas of attention of human movement sciences, according to each career emphasis.



  • Evaluation of the body composition and the mineral bone density